For Immediate Release
Final Planning Workshop Scheduled for Tolay Lake Regional Park
Santa Rosa, CA | April 20, 2015
The public is invited to the final master planning workshop for Tolay Lake Regional Park on Wednesday, April 22. Regional Park staff will present preferred elements of the park's draft master plan, which has been developed with public input from previous workshops and further studies. Attendees can view updated plans and designs, ask questions of planners, and provide feedback. The workshop runs from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Petaluma Community Center in Lucchesi Park, 320 North McDowell Boulevard, with parks staff and planning materials available for questions and review starting at 5:30 p.m.
Tolay Lake Regional Park's 1,769 acres southeast of Petaluma contain grasslands, ridges, a seasonal freshwater lake, ponds, wetlands, and other natural and cultural resources and provide habitat for several species of special status. The master plan considers how best to open the property to the public while protecting its rich resources. The planning area includes Tolay Creek Ranch, an adjacent 1,600 acres acquired by the Sonoma Land Trust as a future extension of the park.
Tolay Lake Regional Park was acquired by the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District and transferred to Regional Parks in 2005. Public access currently is available through a weekend permit program, guided hikes, and the annual Tolay Fall Festival. For more information, visit the project details page at . Questions and comments about the master planning process may be emailed to