Hood Mountain Park & Preserve Fire Recovery - Project Detail
Summit, Santa Rosa Creek and Alder Glen Trails, and Lower Johnson Trail below the Pythian Trailhead parking lot are in need of improvements and repairs before they can be reopened to the public.
Water tanks providing water to residence and for fire emergency were damaged or destroyed in two locations. The tanks on the expansion property will be replaced in late 2024. A formal construction bid process is being navigated to replace the water tanks on Lower Johnson Ridge Trail.
Engineering and repair of the Los Alamos Road retaining wall is complete and the trailhead parking lot open for public use. Removal of burned buildings, vehicles and other hazard materials is complete.
In 2017, the footbridge on the Lower Johnson Ridge Trail, a 6-foot wide and 35-foot long bridge was destroyed and a 45-foot long culvert that ran under the Pond Trail was vaporized. Repair work for both is complete.
Work completed after 2020 fire include:
- Repair work for portions of the Lower Johnson Ridge and Lawson Trails are complete providing trail access into the park from the Pythian Road entrance.
- Hazard trees that staff felled on the through route-road from the Los Alamos Road to Pythian Road are staged for chipping - work began in August 2021 to chip and scatter staged material.