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Russian River Parkway

Russian River Parkway

Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration document now available: Sonoma County Regional Parks invited the public to review and comment on the master plan and environmental document for the Russian River Parkway. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has approved the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. The public comment period is now closed.

What & Why?

Regional Parks is proposing to create three Russian River public access points along a 1.75-mile stretch of Geysers Road, just south of the Sonoma and Mendocino County line. The overall project site begins at the Sonoma Mendocino County line and continues south along Geysers Road to the location of the old Preston Bridge. 

Currently, the site is a popular destination for people seeking to go tubing, fishing and cool off during the summer heat. Unfortunately, the only way to currently access the river throughout the project site is through the use of informal pull outs for parking and informal trails to get down to the river. 

The goal of the project is to bring much needed safe, welcoming and environmentally friendly river access to this part of Sonoma County.

For more information and to comment on the project, please visit the project's website at

What's Next?

Regional Parks has completed the final stages of the master plan development process and developed an initial study for CEQA. We anticipate filing a CEQA determination in spring 2025.