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Parks Measure M Citizens Oversight Committee Meeting

Date: January 27, 2025

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Information:

This meeting will be held in person at:

400 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
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Registration Required: No

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Committee Members

Leslie Graves (District 1) – Vice-Chair
Meredith Rennie (District 4)
John Mills (District 2)
Justin Lindenberg (District 5)
Chris Borr (District 3)                                                                         
Nate Luna (At Large)
Carol Eber (At Large) – Chair



    1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement– Melanie Parker, Deputy Director, Regional Parks

    The County of Sonoma recognizes that we are on the ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok, Pomo, and Wappo who are the original caretakers of this area. We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous peoples who have been stewarding and maintaining relationship on this land as knowledge keepers for millennia. The County of Sonoma is dedicated to understanding and educating the public about historical and ongoing connections between land conservation and social inequities. This includes the histories of genocide, forced removal and displacement, and broken promises with Indigenous peoples as a part of American history. Indigenous people are not just in our histories. We strive to optimize Indigenous voices to share their own history, as to not perpetuate another form of being silenced. While recognizing the past, we honor the resiliency of Native people still in their ancestral territories in relationship with their land and culture.

    This acknowledgement does not take the place of authentic relationships with Indigenous communities but serves as a gesture in respect to the land we are on.

    2. Call to Order/Roll Call

    3. Comments from the Public – Public may address the Committee on matters that are not on the agenda.

    Members of the public wishing to suggest an item for a future Committee agenda may do so during this public comment period. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Committee from acting on any matter that is not on the

    agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes each; the Committee Chair may adjust the time limit considering the number of anticipated speakers.

    4. Swearing in Nate Luna, at large committee member

    1. Approval of the Minutes

    Approval of the November 12, 2024, minutes of the Parks Measure M Citizens Oversight Committee meeting.

    1. Reports and Updates: Robert Gonzalez, Fiscal and Administrative Services Officer, Sonoma Regional Parks and Melanie Parker, Deputy Director, Sonoma County Regional Parks

    Review first quarter Measure M disbursement report (addressing inconsistencies raised by committee member Graves.

    Review second quarter Measure M disbursement report.

    Report on visible successes of Parks for All Measure M investments – All jurisdictions.

    1. Action Items

    Approve Amended Measure M FY 2023-2024 Annual Report

    Elect Chair and Vice-chair for 2025 per the bylaws

    1. Adjournment

    Materials related to an item on the Parks Measure M Citizens Oversight Committee agenda are available for public inspection (after distribution of the agenda packet) by contacting Regional Parks at

      Spanish Interpretation

      • Spanish interpretation will be provided as an accommodation if requested in advance. Please contact Regional Parks at (707) 565-3351or by email by noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. We will make every effort to provide for an accommodation.
      • Interpretación al español se proveerá si usted lo pide antes de la junta. Por favor llame a la secretaria al (707) 565-3351o notifícanos por correo electrónico antes del mediodía del viernes anterior a la reunión. Haremos todo lo posible para complacerlo.

      Disabled Accommodation

      If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the Regional Parks Secretary at (707) 565-3351 or by email by noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. We will make every effort to provide for an accommodation.

      Public Comment at Meetings

      Members of the public are free to address the Committee.

      Public comments:

      • Should fall under the subject matter jurisdiction of the meeting.
      • Are time-limited. Public comment applies to action items and general public comment at the end of the meeting. Action items are specified on the agenda. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Director and Chair and may be adjusted to accommodate all speakers.

      In addition to oral public comment at the meetings, the community is also invited to communicate with Regional Parks through email. Members of the public who would like to make statements that may exceed the time limits for public comment, suggest topics to be placed on future agendas, or suggest questions to be raised and discussed by Committee members or staff, may send an email addressing these matters to

      Committee members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and may only listen and respond briefly in limited circumstances. Should Committee members wish to deliberate on an issue raised during public comment, that issue may be placed on a future agenda of the Committee for discussion and possible action. Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Committee after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Regional Parks main office at 2300 County Center Drive, Suite 120, Santa Rosa California 95403 during normal business hours or via email.

      Agendas and Materials 

      Agendas and Materials: Agendas and supporting materials are available on Regional Parks’ website.

      Google Maps™ Directions