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For Immediate Release

Prescribed pile-burning operations planned at Foothill Regional Park

SANTA ROSA, CA | March 18, 2022

Sonoma County Regional Parks, in cooperation with Sonoma County Fire District, is planning a series of weekday pile burns in Foothill Regional Park beginning late March 2022 and continuing into April. Pile burning will not begin unless the weather allows for safe burning conditions and ample fire-suppression resources are available. 

Foothill Regional Park will remain open, and park users may see or smell smoke in the area during burn days. Parking availability may be impacted on burn days due to increased staff presence. Burning will be coordinated with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to optimize smoke dispersal and protect local air quality.

The upcoming pile burning at Foothill Regional Park is a continuation of fuels reduction work that began last year in cooperation with the Sonoma County Fire District. The goal of reducing surface and ladder fuels is to lower the severity of future wildfires, leading to greater firefighter safety and forest resilience.

For more information, please contact Jen Stanfield, Parks Project Coordinator, at 707-806-7696 or


Sonoma County Regional Parks preserves irreplaceable natural and cultural resources, and offers opportunities for recreation and education that enhance the quality of life and well-being of Sonoma County's residents and visitors. Learn more at
