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Sonoma Valley Regional Park Expansion - Meetings and Public Workshops

SVRP Expansion - Environmental Review Committee

The Sonoma Valley Regional Park Expansion Master Plan and CEQA documents were presented at the Environmental Review Committee for review and discussion.

Project Review and Advisory Committee Meeting - May 15, 2017

Public Meeting for Project Review and Advisory Committee where the Sonoma Valley Regional Park Expansion Master Plan was reviewed.

Sonoma Valley Regional Park Expansion - Community Workshop #2

Community Workshop #2At the April 27, 2016 workshop participants received a presentation on the preferred plan. Information was presented to the public that addressed Sonoma Valley Regional Park resources and limitations, specifically with sensitivity to biological resources. The Project Manager discussed the outcome of design requests received at the first public meeting and how those were incorporated into the final trail design. 

Sonoma Valley Regional Park Expansion - Community Workshop #1

The October 28, 2015 workshop encourages public participation by presenting an overview of the expansion properties and the master plan process. Participants are encouraged to participate by working together in small groups and sharing their interests and concerns.


6:00 Welcome
6:10 Meeting Purpose & Project Overview
6:40 Workshop Exercise at table groups
7:00 Table Groups report back session
7:25 Discussion and next steps
7:30 Meeting close
For more information, please contact Karen Davis-Brown, Planner II, by phone at (707) 565-1359 or by email at