Helen Putnam Expansion - Background
Project Background
In 2003 with the development of the West Haven neighborhood, 39.9 acres of open space land was dedicated to the County of Sonoma to be annexed to the 216 acre Helen Putnam Regional Park.
A Conservation Assurance was recorded on the property in 2004, ensuring the annex be maintained for its conservation values, for passive public recreation, and so that associated infrastructure be preserved in perpetuity.
The donated property increases conservation values of the park by expanding wildlife habitat, and preserving the property as a “natural” viewshed. Wildlife and native vegetation are protected including habitat of the endangered California Red-Legged-Frog.
The property includes:
- open grassland and wildflowers
- intermittent stream
- wetlands
- oak woodland
- expansive views of Petaluma to the Sonoma Mountains
Project Funding
The property was dedicated to Sonoma County Regional Parks by Christopherson Homes.
Funding for the current and future site development improvements has included:
- A $62,500 donation from Christopherson Homes
- $150,000 in Park Mitigation Fees
- $100,000 in Measure M funds