Lower Russian River Trail - Project Description
Project Description
Project Description:
The County plans to design and construct a 19.3-mile long multi-use trail (aka Class I bikeway) along River Road and Highway 116 between Mirabel Park and Highway 1. The trail will be generally 12 feet wide (8 feet wide pavement with two 2-foot shoulders on each side of the pavement) and a 5-foot buffer between the vehicle travel lane. In areas where there’s insufficient public right of way to accommodate the trail design, additional right of way will need to be acquired. Pedestrian and bicycle crossings will also be provided at road intersections where the trail transitions from the north side of the road to the south side of the road and vice versa.
Project Goals:
- Develop a fun, safe, and scenic route for bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Provide bicyclists and pedestrians an alternate route to Highway 116 and River Road.
- Construct 19.3 miles of Class 1 bikeway (trail) paralleling the Russian River.
- Connect the trail to communities, parks, recreational facilities and businesses between Mirabel Park and Jenner.
- Attract additional tourism for local businesses.