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Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park & Open Space Preserve

Western ridge in fog

Monte Rio Redwoods was acquired by Regional Parks in October 2020. The 515.45-acre property along Dutch Bill Creek is just south of Monte Rio. The park is in the master planning process, which is needed for additional recreational development and guiding land management. Its stunning quiet beauty offers a unique opportunity for hiking, picnicking or mountain cycling under shaded redwood, oak and riparian forests. The property is open for interim public access while the master plan is being developed. Share your thoughts about the future of Monte Rio Redwoods by taking the survey.

What & Why? 

The Regional Parks Department is planning this regional park on stunning wildlands stretching from ridge to ridge along lower Dutch Bill Creek  in the community of Monte Rio. Regional Parks acknowledges the Southern Pomo as the traditional inhabitants and caretakers of the land and values the knowledge of their continuous culture in the community. The park will preserve the open space and scenic value of the property, native plants and animal habitat, while providing valuable recreation opportunities in the lower Russian River area. This project will protect inspiring vistas, natural resources, habitats, watersheds and forests.

Regional Parks took title of 515 acres in October 2020, establishing wildlife habitat preservation and recreational opportunities like hiking, mountain cycling, nature study, and picnicking. Future development will improve public access to protected lands in Sonoma County and expand open space recreation areas.

Work has begun to protect, preserve, and manage the property. Parks staff has initiated or completed work surveying, marking parkland boundaries and cleaning up extensive garbage and debris on the property. The team is actively working to secure the property from damaging unwarranted uses, and to protect its wildlife habitat and important natural resources.

Initial public access trails are open to the public while the Master Plan and California Environmental Quality Act studies are underway. There are approximately 2.5 miles of trail open to the public and the small trailhead parking lot is nearly complete. It will be available for use early 2025.

What's Next?

A community engagement workshop is being planned. The meet and greet will provide the community an opportunity to get to know the Regional Parks team and the unique Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park & Open Space Preserve property. The workshop will also provide time and opportunity for the community to ask questions and voice their interests and concerns.

View upcoming guided hikes at Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park and Open Space Preserve.

Regional Parks has begun the Master Plan and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) studies process. They are the governing documents required to make significant improvements, manage resources, and develop new recreational park facilities. This process will include extensive community engagement in developing a vision for the property while considering opportunities and constraints. A public survey soliciting feedback on the possibility of future recreation in the park is now accepting responses. Visit the Master Planning Website to learn more about the planning process.
