Taylor Mountain Phase I - Background
Phase I Master Plan
Taylor Mountain is unique in that it is located so close to an urban area, yet is home to so many amazing natural habitats, including wetlands, grasslands, and forests and woodlands, that support wildlife such as mountain lion, deer, fox, and even the federally-protected California red-legged frog. From the top of Taylor Mountain one can take in a sweeping view of the entire Santa Rosa Plain. This project provides the opportunity to preserve a scenic natural area as open space forever, while at the same time creating a variety of recreational opportunities so that people from all walks of life may visit to learn about the natural environment and enjoy the Park and Preserve for generations to come.
Taylor Mountain Regional Park and Open Space Preserve opened February 23, 2013 following approval of the property's transfer from the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District to Sonoma County Regional Parks. The 1,100-acre site in southeast Santa Rosa is open daily from 8 a.m. to sunset.
The Board of Supervisors, acting concurrently as directors of the Open Space District, unanimously authorized the transfer of fee title from the District to Regional Parks. The District retained a conservation easement that generally limits use of the property to natural resource protection, recreation, education and agriculture. The District also retained a recreation covenant that obligates the county to provide public access to the property in perpetuity. The Board of Supervisors adopted the Taylor Mountain Regional Park and Open Space Preserve Master Plan and accompanying CEQA document on October 9, 2012. (See Resource Documents below)
Project Funding
The Taylor Mountain Phase I Master Plan was funded by:
- California Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program of 2008
- Sonoma County Regional Parks Foundation
Resource Documents
- Taylor Mountain Master Plan (PDF: 7.54 MB)
- Taylor Mountain Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF: 8.77 MB)
- Biotic Assessment (PDF: 1.37 MB)
- Biotic Assessment Map (PDF: 2.73 MB)
- Botanical Resource Map (PDF: 767 kB)
- Botanical Survey – July 2006 (PDF: 331 kB)
- Botanical Survey – January 2007 (PDF: 1.15 MB)
- Santa Rosa Bike Routes Plan (PDF: 1.49 MB)
- Santa Rosa Southeast Area Plan Parks Map (PDF: 489 kB)
- Wetland Map(PDF: 686 kB)