Taylor Mountain Phase II - Project Detail
Project Detail
The Taylor Mountain Trails Phase II project proposes the construction of eight miles of new trails in the northeast area of the park and connects three new additional walk in and bike in access points. The project includes six new bridges and other drainage crossings along several segments of new trails. Combined with Phase 1, these new trails will open public access to 75% of the 1,100-acre park. Our local match includes some county funding, but more inspiring is the nonprofit Sonoma County Regional Parks Foundation providing its largest leverage grant ever: an $80,000 match.
In addition, the following park and community resources, and local organizations are contributing to the project:
- Sonoma County Trails Council/Redwood Trails Alliance is matching with volunteer labor and equipment for 36 work days, as well as a cash donation.
- Regional Parks and the Trails Council will provide six joint workdays.
- Conservation Corps North Bay received a $158,730 grant from the Active Transportation Program for construction and invasive species removal on the Kawana Springs Trail, and for work on the Sky Lupine Trail to connect trail segments.
- Services Corps will provide eight workdays.
- Park maintenance staff, equipment, and materials will also support the trail project.