Carrington Coast Ranch Regional Park and Open Space Preserve
What & Why?
This project includes the acquisition, master planning, and development for initial public access of the Carrington Coast Ranch property as a future regional park and open space preserve. The property is located north of Bodega Bay on Highway 1. Because of its location, scenic vistas, open space value, important natural resources, and potential for recreational access and trail connections, the property was purchased in 2003 by the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (Ag + Open Space).
What's Next?
Regional Parks has been hosting public Park Preview Days at the property to introduce residents and visitors to the sites features and provide opportunities to enjoy the scenic coastal vistas while hiking the 1.1-mile existing trail. This first-hand experience will provide a basic understanding of the property for those wishing to participate in the master planning process. To register for upcoming Park Preview Days, click on the link below:
Before Carrington Coast Ranch Regional Park and Open Space Preserve can open to the public, Regional Parks will need to engage the community in the planning process, prepare a master plan, resource management plan, and environmental document to guide the development of the site and protect natural resources. These documents also help identify and mitigate potential environmental impacts associated with the project. The planning process for a project of this nature typically takes three to five years - this planning process is underway now. Learn more about the history, vision, and next steps in the master planning process on the project website.
Regional Parks has enlisted the services of WRA Associates to produce the various documents and plans as part of the planning process.
Once the master plan and environmental document have been completed and approved, regulatory agency permits will be secured for bidding and construction and Regional Parks can begin developing the park, building things such as trails, fences, restrooms and other facilities. Once construction is complete, the Park and Preserve is ready to be opened to the public.
Public Use Plan graphic
Download the Plan
(PDF: 719 kB)
Upcoming events at Carrington Coast Ranch
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5Park Preview: Carrington Ranch (Afternoon Session)
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5Park Preview: Carrington Ranch (Morning Session)
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3Park Preview: Carrington Ranch (Afternoon Session)
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3Park Preview: Carrington Ranch (Morning Session)