Carrington Coast Ranch Park & Preserve - Project Detail
Through a grant provided by the California Coastal Conservancy (Conservancy) and Ag + Open Space, Regional Parks is preparing a master plan, resource management plan, and environmental document to guide the development of trails, recreational and educational uses, and stewardship of the natural resources. The funding covers planning, design, and construction of improvements for access, parking, restroom, and trails, including a segment of the 1,200-mile California Coastal Trail funded by the Conservancy. The Conservancy is also funding a camping feasibility study to explore the possibility of providing low cost overnight accommodations on the property.
The anticipated initial public access improvements are identified below. Other phases of development based on the approved master plan will be implemented as funding is secured.
Initial Public Access Improvements will include:
- Vehicle access from Coleman Valley Road
- Vehicle parking
- Picnic sites and overlooks
- Trails, including the California Coastal Trail Segment
- Interpretive information
- Restroom facility
- Security infrastructure (gate, fencing, utilities, caretaker)