Carrington Coast Ranch Park & Preserve - Background
The Carrington Coast Ranch property is located on the Sonoma Coast north of the town of Bodega Bay, adjacent to Highway 1 and the Sonoma Coast State Park. The property consists of 335 acres of open coastal prairie, rolling hills, remains of a historic dairy ranch, and spectacular views of the coastline and ocean.
The Carrington Coast Ranch property was acquired in 2003 by Ag + Open Space with the intent of transferring the property to the State of California for a future state park. California State Parks prepared the required environmental documents (Immediate Public Use Plan [IPU] and mitigated negative declaration) for Carrington Coast Ranch, but due to staffing and budget constraints, was ultimately not able to accept the property. Regional Parks offered to accept and manage the property, and in December 2020 received ownership of the property from Ag + Open Space.
The Immediate Public Use Plan prepared by State Parks can be viewed here:
- Carrington Ranch Immediate Public Use Plan
(PDF: 2.03 MB) - Public Use Plan Graphic
(PDF: 719 KB)
California Coastal Trail
Policy makers and coastal managers have long planned for a continuous coastal trail in California. In 1972, Proposition 20 provided that “A hiking, bicycle, and equestrian trail system shall be established along or near the coast” and that “ideally the trail system should be continuous and located near the shoreline.”
The California Coastal Act of 1976 required local jurisdictions to identify an alignment for the California Coastal Trail in their Local Coastal Programs. In 2001, Senate Bill 908 was passed, which requires the Coastal Conservancy, in consultation with State Parks, the Coastal Commission, and other agencies, to complete the trail.
The California Coastal Trail (CCT) on the North Coast is planned to be over 40 miles long, connecting Mendocino County with the Russian River and Bodega Bay, and includes numerous disconnected segments, such as the gap between Gualala Point Regional Park and Salt Point State Park. Approximately half of the trail alignment is in public ownership and already developed.
The Carrington Coast Ranch trails will provide a new segment of the CCT that will connect Salmon Creek to future segments to the north, and finally to the Kortum Trail that provides a connection to Goat Rock.