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Larson Park Master Plan - Community Workshop #3

Please join us to review and provide feedback on the Larson Park Draft Master Plan for the park.
Vengan al taller comunitario para participar en la revisión y discusión de los planes preliminares. 
Larson Park Community Workshop Flyer (PDF: 429 kB)

Meeting Documentation 


Regional Parks is hosting a community meeting August 23rd to review and invite feedback on a draft master plan update for Larson Regional Park in Sonoma. The meeting is from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Flowery School Multi-purpose room at 17600 CA-12 Sonoma, CA.

The Master Plan update will outline improvements to the park including the renovation of existing facilities, and designation of new and or expanded features and a new restroom facility.

With public input, the goal of the Master Plan update is to establish a vision for the park which better meets the current and future recreational needs of the community, increases safety and accessibility, and protects and enhances the environmental resources of this neighborhood park.

The draft plan will be available for review on Regional Parks’ website following the meeting, with public comment welcomed and accepted through September 14th. There will be an opportunity for additional public comment during the 30-day review period subsequent to the preparation of the revised master plan update and draft CEQA documentation. 

Location: Flowery School
Multi-Purpose Room
17600 CA-12
Sonoma, CA

Larson Park Master Plan - Community Workshop #2

Regional Parks is preparing a new master plan for Larson Regional Park.  The planning process will determine the preferred mix and layout of future park features and circulation, and guide future renovations and improvements to be undertaken as funding becomes available.


6:35 Welcome and meeting purpose
6:45 Project update and overview

Workshop exercise at table groups

  • Review conceptual alternatives
  • Discuss pros and cons of each alternative
  • Choose a preferred alternative and propose revisions and refinements

Table groups report back session (3-4 minutes each)

  • Introduce your group
  • Share your group's top pros and cons of each alternative
  • Describe your group's preferred approach
7:50 Closing discussion, announcements and next steps
8:00 Meeting close

Follow up planning meeting for Larson Regional Park 

Please join us for a follow up community workshop and participate in the review and discussion of some preliminary conceptual plan alternatives, and share your ideas for the future of this neighborhood park. Workshop scheduled for March 2nd; Spanish translation and child care available. 

Regional Parks is preparing a new master plan for Larson Regional Park.  The planning process will determine the preferred mix and layout of future park features and circulation, and guide future renovations and improvements to be undertaken as funding becomes available.  As part of the process they are hosting a public workshop as a follow-up to the initial sharing session held last fall.  The workshop is an opportunity for Sonoma Valley residents to become involved in the process of shaping the vision of this park for the future.

The approximately 7.6 acre park features athletic fields, tennis courts, a playground, picnic sites and a community garden run by Nuestra Voz. Sonoma Creek runs forms the western boundary of the park, and Flowery School sits adjacent and to the north. A segment of the Central Sonoma Valley Trail runs through the park and will eventually connect to Highway 12 and the Sonoma Valley Trail when these segments are built.

The March 2nd workshop is scheduled from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Flowery Elementary School, 17600 Sonoma Hwy, in the Multi-purpose room. Spanish translation and child care will be available.  In addition to the workshop, community members will also have the opportunity to review the conceptual alternatives and provide input online.  Materials will be posted subsequent to the meeting.

Larson Park Master Plan - Community Workshop #1

Sonoma County Regional Parks and community partners are hosting a public workshop to help develop a vision for an updated Master Plan for the park.  The workshop is the first step in the process toward modernizing the park and developing new amenities, facilities and programs based on the current and future needs of the community.  Please join us and participate in the discussion and share your ideas for the future of the park.


2:05 Welcome and meeting purpose
2:20 Project Overview

Workshop exercise at table groups

  • Finish this statement: "Larson Park is…"
  • Assets - positive aspects/things you like about the park
  • Issues & challenges - negative aspects/things that can be improved
  • Opportunities for change - ideas for improvement including suggestions for new amenities, facilities and programs

Table groups report back session (3-4 minutes each)

  • Introduce your group and read the group's "Larson Park is…" statement
  • Share your group's top 3 Assets, Issues and Opportunities
3:25 Discussion and next steps
3:30 Meeting close

Larson Park Community Workshop #1
Sunday, September 13, 2015
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Booker Hall - La Luz
17560 Greger St.
Sonoma, CA 95476