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Sonoma Valley Trail (Proposed)

Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study bicyclists and walkers using trail

What & Why?

The Sonoma Valley Trail is a proposed 13-mile paved trail along the scenic Highway 12 corridor between Santa Rosa and Sonoma. The scenic corridor offers fantastic views of Sonoma Valley but lacks a safe and separated pathway for pedestrians and bicyclists traveling north and south.

A feasibility study was completed to help facilitate the trail development. This trail project would develop a separated pathway connecting Sonoma with Santa Rosa.

What's Next?

The Final Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study was completed and released in February 2016. The feasibility study identified a preferred trail alignment, and recommended completing the paved trail in phases as public funding becomes available.

The project is not fully funded, and Regional Parks is actively searching for funding opportunities to support the ongoing preliminary design engineering work for the trail. 
