Sonoma Valley Trail - Background
Project Background
The Sonoma Valley Trail is identified as a project in the adopted 2010 County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The project is an extension of the Central Sonoma Valley Trail and is located in the unincorporated area of Sonoma County’s Supervisorial District 1. The trail would provide recreation and commuting opportunities for residents and visitors in Sonoma, the Springs area, Glen Ellen, Kenwood, and Santa Rosa. It would also provide a link to Sonoma Valley businesses, wineries, schools, and parks and to other existing and proposed trails such as the Central Sonoma Valley Trail, Sonoma Schellville Trail, Bay Trail, San Francisco Bay Area Ridge Trail, and Sonoma City trails.
Highway 12 is the only transportation arterial connecting Sonoma to Santa Rosa, the largest city in the county. The corridor connects commercial areas to urban and rural residential areas with expanses of open space and agricultural land between communities. However, the corridor lacks a separated pathway for pedestrians and bicyclists traveling north and south.
In 2013, the County received $190,575 funding from the Caltrans Community-Based Transportation Planning grant to launch the trail feasibility study that would help identify a separated pathway along the Highway 12 corridor connecting Sonoma with Santa Rosa. As part of the study process, stakeholder meetings and community workshops were conducted to solicit public input.
The study area included seven segments along Highway 12 as listed below:
- Segment 1: Los Alamos Road to Oakmont Drive
- Segment 2: Oakmont Drive to Pythian Road
- Segment 3: Pythian Road to Warm Springs Road
- Segment 4: Warm Springs Road to Dunbar Road
- Segment 5: Dunbar Road to Arnold Drive
- Segment 6: Arnold Drive to Madrone Road
- Segment 7: Madrone Road to Agua Caliente Road
The Final Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study was completed and released in February 2016. The recommended preferred and alternate trail alignments are shown in the study. A complete copy of the Final Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study can be downloaded here:
- Final Feasibility Study -
February 2016
(PDF: 36.2 MB) - Project Location Map
(PDF: 2.59 MB)
Project Funding
Based on the Sonoma Valley Trail Feasibility Study (February 2016), the estimated costs to complete the 13-mile long preferred trail alignment is $24 million. The project is not fully funded at this time. Regional Parks is actively searching for funding opportunities to complete the project in phases.