Stewarts Point Ranch Trail
What & Why?
Sonoma County Regional Parks has secured a trail easement and is proposing to complete the design, environmental review and permitting necessary to build a 0.9-mile trail on Stewarts Point Ranch, adding a spectacular segment of trail west of Highway 1 to the California Coastal Trail.
Currently, there is no public access along the six miles of coast between Regional Parks' Black Point Coastal Access Trail and Salt Point State Park.
This project will offer access to that area while protecting grasslands, wetlands, and cultural resources. The project will not interfere with the ability of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians to practice their cultural and oceanside traditions.
What's Next?
Regional Parks received grant funding from the State Coastal Conservancy and Sonoma County Ag + Open Space to prepare a public access plan, trail design and environmental document for the Stewart’s Point Ranch Coastal Trail.
The Stewarts Point Ranch Coastal Trail has been planned along with the Kashia Coastal Reserve Trail, 2.5 miles to the south.
The planning and environmental work have been completed. The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (see our Project Detail Section for more information) were released for public review and comment in October 2021 - State Clearinghouse (SCH) number: 2021100478.
Regional Parks presented the project to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors for adoption and approval in March 2022, and a Notice of Determination was filed. The completion of the California Environmental Quality Act process is required for the submittal of permit applications to the regulatory agencies, and for Regional Parks to apply for additional grant funding for construction.
Regional Parks is applying for regulatory permits and preparing the construction plans for bidding. We anticipate permits to be issued and bidding to occur spring 2025, and construction to begin in summer of 2025.
Eventually, the trails will connect to other trail segments as part of the 1,200-mile California Coastal Trail.
North Coast Location Map
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