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Timber Cove Trail - Project Detail

Timber Cove Trail Feasibility Study

Public Meetings

Sonoma County Regional Parks held two public workshops on the Timber Cove Trail Feasibility Study. The first workshop focused on presenting information identifying existing public lands, right of way and offers to dedicate within the Timber Cove Trail study area. The legislation identifying the concept of the California Coastal Trail, and the relationship to the Local Coastal Plan were also presented to provide public policy context to the discussions. Graphic maps showing potential trail alignments and types were also provided to show the trails that would be considered and evaluated during the process. 

The second public workshop focused on opportunities and constraints related to individual trail alignment options and trail types, and the criteria used to perform the preliminary evaluations. The results of the preliminary evaluations and the ranking of the trail segments to identify the preferred alignments were presented.

The meeting accomplished the goal of obtaining public input on the preferred segments that would provide a continuous public trail between Ocean Cove Campground and the north end of Fort Ross State Historic Park.

Get Involved

We are currently at step 5 in the process. We have identified preliminary trail alignment alternatives, and have done preliminary analysis of traffic and safety considerations to share with the public.

A public workshop was held in May 2015 where input was obtained on the preferred segments that will provide a continuous public trail between Ocean Cove Campground and the north end of Fort Ross State Historic Park.

If you have any questions about this project, or would like to be added to the list of stakeholders to be notified of any updates to the project, please email Mark Cleveland, the Project Manager, at , or call (707) 565-3349.