Crane Creek Regional Park Expansion (Proposed)
What & Why?
This project, a partnership that includes Regional Parks, City of Rohnert Park, and the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation & Open Space District, would expand Crane Creek Regional Park by an additional 75-acres and extend the existing Copeland Creek Trail from city limits through Sonoma State University to Crane Creek Regional Park.
The City of Rohnert Park has acquired 128-acres of land that is located off Petaluma Hill Road between Sonoma State University and Crane Creek Regional Park.
This project will:
- provide more recreational opportunities for the general public to enjoy,
- serve as a community separator,
- protect open space and natural resources,
- and protect the headwaters of Hinebaugh Creek, a tributary to the ecologically rich and biologically diverse Laguna de Santa Rosa.
Hinebaugh Creek has potential habitat for the California red-legged frog and the Western pond turtle.
What's Next?
The City of Rohnert Park has acquired 128-acres from University District LLC and will record a conservation easement over the parkland.
The 128-acre property will be subdivided into two lots with the following sizes: 53-acres and 75-acres. The City of Rohnert Park will retain 53-acres for the development of water tanks and future sediment ponds, and will dedicate the remaining 75-acres to Regional Parks for the expansion of Crane Creek Regional Park and construction of the Copeland Creek Trail.
Location Map for Crane Creek
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Location Map
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