Sonoma County Regional Parks are home to diverse ecosystems that host rare, threatened, and endangered species. Our parks include coastal redwood and Douglas-fir forests, oak woodlands, coastal prairie and interior grasslands, salmonid bearing riparian areas, vernal pools, and lands that support serpentine-endemic flora. Universities and research institutions are welcome to conduct research or educational classes in our parks if they obtain a permit, provide insurance, and follow a few rules of stewardship for our natural areas.
We encourage researchers to contact our natural resources team early to discuss research topics that may assist us with adaptive management of our properties.
Researchers collecting data within parks are required to request a Special Use Permit 30-days prior to beginning research, and must follow the parameters of the permit, including notification to staff each time the site is visited.
For More Information
If you have questions or would like more information about conducting research in our parks, please contact Minona Heaviland, Park Program Supervisor, at